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Watch Callum Taylor, AXA Financial Lines, as he shares with industry expert Martin Friel the state of the current market, the strength of the AXA proposition and why brokers should choose AXA.
Commercial Lines
AXA Commercial’s Schemes and Delegated Authorities team won the Corporate Social Responsibility Excellence award at the Managing General Agents’ Association Conference.
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How Property claims inflation is driving up premiums, and what can be done to limit the impact.
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AXA UK & Ireland announces the acquisition of the renewal rights to Ageas’s commercial business.
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AXA Commercial today announces the official launch of its electric vehicle proposition for motor fleet customers.
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Our updated and expanded Risk Management Intelligence guides for Manufacturing are now available to download.
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New for 2022, we show you how all MLPs aren't the same and why our MLP is leading the way, going beyond the market standard policy.
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The AXA Retail Personal Lines Home Insurance team are now giving AXA Extra customers more cover, without impacting premium prices.
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If your client has a home insurance policy, underwritten by AXA, we’re temporarily treating their Ukrainian guests as family. They’re covered, like any family member permanently residing in the home.
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Come and join us for a coffee on stand E40 – it'll be great to see you again. We can share with you how we're supporting this year's conference theme of 'Our Insurance Community'.
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How Motor claims inflation is driving up premiums, and what can be done to limit the impact.
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In collaboration with the MGAA (Managing General Agent’s Association), Gary Head, Director of AXA Schemes & Delegated Authorities, presented two insightful webinars.
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Gary Head, Director of Schemes & Delegated Authorities, recently met with Giroux, a provider of insurance data analytics, to discuss how important data is in maintaining profitability for MGAs.
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